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Founder, Wahine Capital

She has under her belt over 25 years experience in the Malaysian capital markets. Up till end 2021, Rejina was the Founding MD for the Malaysian office of Nomura Asset Management which she grew from scratch to an award winning firm with over MYR30 billion in assets under management. She was one of only three Malaysians listed in the inaugural 2021 Listee of the Kindness & Leadership 50 Leading Lights Asia Pacific and was also named by Asia Asset Management magazine as 25 industry leaders of the Asian asset management industry.

She started Wahine (pronounced Wa-hee-nay) Capital as a means of helping women gain financial confidence for themselves. They released their first prototype, W Vault on 28th May 2023. Like most women, she plays multiple roles- she is a proud mum to two adults who live in Auckland, New Zealand and the only child of septuagenarian parents and the better half to her husband for the last 27 years. She also sits on various Boards and advisory committees as part of her giving back to the capital markets.

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